Nicole Yeakley Cornish

March 1, 2023

B.A. ’10, Athens, Texas

Nicole Yeakley Cornish

Career Experience

Nicole Yeakley Cornish is the principal of Athens High School in Athens ISD. A graduate of Baylor University (B.A. ’10) and Lamar University (M.Ed. ’14), she also is the owner of Texas Speech and Debate Camp. Cornish previously served as a teacher at Prosper High School and Athens High School, as well as dean of accountability and instruction at Athens High School and dean of PINNACLE Early College High School in Athens ISD.

Board Experience

Cornish currently serves on the boards of the Texas Forensic Association and the UIL Chapter of the National Speech and Debate Association. She was previously on the board of the Northeast Texas Debate Association. During her time as a Baylor student, she was a member of the Student Senate for two years and served as student body external vice president. 

Awards and Honors

Cornish is a member of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and a graduate of the Ratliff Academy for School Executives. She has received the Outstanding Speech, Theatre, and Academics Educator Award from the National Federation of High Schools. She also was named a First Diamond Coach from the National Speech and Debate Association. Her academic honors during her years at Baylor include membership in Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, and the Excellence in Student Leadership Award.

Baylor Philanthropy

Cornish is a member of the Baylor Bear Foundation.

Church/Christian Mission Affiliations

Cornish and her family are members of the First Baptist Church of Athens, where she serves as a North Pole Event volunteer.

The Candidates

Nicole Yeakley Cornish
Nicole Yeakley Cornish
B.A. '10,
Athens, Texas
John Mark Jennings
John Mark Jennings
B.B.A. '88
Laguna Niguel, California
Stephen C. Wells
Stephen C. Wells
B.A.'90, M.Div. '97, d. Min. '03, Houston, Texas

For a complete guide to the nomination and election process, visit