Leading into the Future
In its regular quarterly meeting in May, the Baylor Board of Regents elected seven new members and voted to approve officers and committee chairs, who also will serve on the Executive Committee, for 2021-2022.
Mark Rountree, B.B.A. ’86, M.T.A. ’87, of Dallas will serve a second year as Board Chair with Larry P. Heard, B.B.A. ’80, of Houston, Melissa Purdy Mines, B.A. ’90, of Austin and Dennis R. Wiles, Ph.D., of Arlington, Texas, as vice chairs.
The Board also elected three new at-large Regents whose terms began June 1: Jay A. Brown, B.B.A. ’95, of Houston, Michael Heiskell, B.A. ’72, J.D. ’74, of Fort Worth and the Honorable Don R. Willett, B.B.A. ’88, of Austin. Two new Regents appointed by the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) also were confirmed: Tyler C. Cooper, B.B.A. ’94 of Dallas and Diane Dillard, B.A. ’76, J.D. ’79 of Houston. René Maciel, M.S.Ed. ’91, of McGregor, Texas, was reappointed by the BGCT to a second, three-year term.
Regents re-elected by the Board to three-year teams are Michael McFarland, B.B.A. ’93, Ed.D. ’05, of Crowley, Texas, Todd Reppert, B.B.A. ’91, of Houston and Kim Wilson Stevens, B.S.Ed. ’93, of Waco.
Elected by Baylor alumni to a three-year term on the Board as an alumni-elected Regent is Katie Jo Luningham, B.A. ’11, of Fort Worth. Brian Raines, D.Phil., associate dean for research and strategic planning in the College of Arts and Sciences and professor of mathematics, was confirmed as the Faculty Regent. Ally Perkins, a sophomore political science major from Tyler, Texas, was approved for a two-year term as a student regent.
“These new Regents bring a diverse set of experiences, talents and perspectives to the Board, which has the fiduciary responsibility for Baylor’s governance, Christian mission and financial integrity,” Baylor President Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D., said. “I look forward to working alongside our 33-member Board in the months ahead as we provide a transformational educational experience and continue Baylor’s bold ambitions to become the preeminent Christian research university.”
Regents also approved resuming the master plan for campus residence hall renovations, including phase 1 design and pre-construction plans for a renovation of Collins, Memorial and Alexander halls. Renovation of Collins Hall is expected to begin in May 2022 with completion in summer 2023. Renovation of Memorial and Alexander is expected to begin in May 2023 with completion in summer 2024.