Happy Campers

Baylor students continue a long tradition of serving and leading as counselors at camps throughout the United States

For nearly 600 Baylor students, this summer continues a long University tradition of sending counselors to dozens of camps throughout the United States to serve and lead. Hear from some members of the Baylor Family — past and current camp counselors — who shared their experiences serving in summer camps near and far.

Linda A Livingstone
Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D
[Camp Soaring Hawk, Kanakuk] Baylor President

“Serving as a camp counselor at a Christian camp while in college was one of the most significant experiences in my life. My faith was deepened in ways I could not have imagined, and I grew as a leader as I worked with campers and my fellow counselors. And, it was tons of fun. I loved being at camp so much. At one point, my career aspiration was to own my own Christian camp.”

Maddie Reed
Maddie Reed,
[Kanakuk] senior, child and family studies, Eastborough, Kansas

“Being a counselor has taught me what it looks like to sacrificially serve those around me, walk in humility in all circumstances and love others the way God does. Camp has changed my faith and taught me what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”

W. Dale Connally
W. Dale Connally,
B.S. ’83, M.S.Ed. ’84, Ph.D. [Camp Soaring Hawk] Baylor Health, Human Performance and Recreation department chair, director of recreation and leisure services program

“My summers at Camp Soaring Hawk transformed my life spiritually and set me on a career path as a camp director and educator of future camp directors. I seem to remember the boy’s staff eking out a narrow victory in basketball over the girl’s staff in spite of a talented post player on their team from Oklahoma State.”

Brad Livingstone
Brad Livingstone, A.B.C. ’18
[Kanakuk] Baylor First Gentleman

“My three summers as a Christian camp counselor while in college helped build three major aspects in my life: It helped me get outside of my comfort zone; it helped teach me how to really serve others, especially when you are tired and don’t necessarily feel like it; and it helped me solidify my walk with Christ. Being around other Christians and hearing the powerful Word of God on a daily basis was absolutely amazing and life-changing.”

Mia Casey
Mia Casey, M.B.A. ’20
[Sky Ranch Cave Springs] Executive Assistant to the President and Director, Presidential Initiatives and Events

“I learned quickly how to wear many hats and find joy in each task we were assigned. I even have fond memories of the time I had to dig up rocks to smooth out a trail. I loved the camp and the people I met there, and I wanted to do everything I could to support the mission. In my career at Baylor, I continue to wear many hats and am thankful for the skills I learned at Cave Springs that led me to where I am.”

Darren Asmussen
Darren Asmussen,
[Kanakuk] senior, management information systems, Arlington, Texas

“There is nothing like embarrassing yourself for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Working at camp is one of the most humbling and life-giving experiences that I have ever had. Although it is exhausting, it is worth it tenfold when the Lord works through you to grant a kid eternal life.”

Oliver Gordon
Oliver Gordon,
[Pine Cove] senior, religion and communication, Decatur, Texas


“Working at camp is an experience that combines both service and growth in a uniquely transformational fashion. It costs more than your time; it costs your whole self — all for the sake of expanding God’s Kingdom in the name of Christ. Camp is a ministry that equips the counselor while serving the camper. It is ultimately discipleship upon discipleship with an evangelism focus.”

Commissioning Service

In early May, Baylor continued its annual tradition with the Camp Counselor Commissioning Ceremony, celebrating and praying over the nearly 600 students who would serve as camp counselors this summer. Keep these leaders in your prayers throughout the summer months as they serve and minister to tens of thousands of young campers.

Visit baylor.edu/spirituallife for more information.