Collins 2.0

July 2, 2022

With 19 residence halls at Baylor offering on-campus living for undergraduate students, maintenance, updates and renovations are an ongoing pursuit. Four residence halls, in particular, are in line for renovations with Collins Hall undergoing work as the first this year. Work began mid-May, and re-opening is scheduled for fall 2023. Memorial/Alexander, Allen/Dawson and Kokernot are scheduled to follow each year thereafter.

Collins 2.0

Sharra Hynes, associate vice president for student life, says the University is invested in the necessary upkeep of its residence halls to maintain them in a manner that is consistent with the community living experience that helps make Baylor distinctive.

“It’s a privilege to be able to renovate our spaces and have support from the institution and the Baylor Family to do so,” Hynes said. “Collins is the largest female residential facility and one that is beloved by Baylor alumni. Generations of women who have lived in Collins feel that deep connection to the University through their first-year residential experience. We seek to honor that rich history and make way for generations to come as we put forth a Collins that is modernized and welcoming in the spirit of community.”

Kokernot Hall, Texana House, and University House were tapped as the female first-year experience communities for the 2022-2023 academic year. 

“We were able to exercise some flexibility to convert some spaces to be exclusively for first-year women as Collins is being renovated,” Hynes said.

Some of the features of the newly renovated Collins will include a repurposing of the former dining hall into an entrance facing Pat Neff Hall, classrooms and an apartment for faculty in residence.

  Those interested in leaving their mark at Collins Hall to celebrate their residential experiences there may do so through the purchase of a brick. Order your brick today at