Bears in the Wild

January 1, 2023

When you see a bear (a Baylor Bear) in their natural habitat, what do you do? You raise a paw and say, “Sic ’em,” of course! 

Bears in the Wild logo
Join the expedition!

Baylor Bears come from every state and more than 100 countries around the world. When we recognize one another in the wild — in the airport, on vacation, in the workplace, at an event — there’s a shared understanding of who we are. The Baylor experience shaped every alum in different ways, but one thing we have in common is a love for the Green and Gold!

The Bears in the Wild Expedition offers fun ways to connect with other Bears and with the University. That connection may look like lunch with a new grad, a watch party for a big game, attendance at a University-hosted event or a quick photo with a fellow Bear you meet in the airport or vacationing in your favorite spot.

On these pages, we’ve shared some of the photos of Bears in the Wild who joined the Expedition in the fall. As more join our ranks, we’ll share even more pictures in each issue of Baylor Magazine and on social media and enter all for special prize drawings. We’re calling all Bears in the Wild to join the Expedition, find each other and participate in challenges along the way to be entered to win tickets, Baylor experiences and other fun swag!