Alumni By Choice

July 1, 2022
Baylor University Seal

Congratulations to our new Alumni by Choice. These individuals were nominated to be recognized as Baylor Alumni by Choice because of their love for and commitment to the University.

Kristi Allgood
Kim Bailes
Joe Bosquez
Melinda Bower
Ginna Bowman
Wesley Burmark
Janice Carey
Larry Chaloupka
Debra Cherry
Chaseka Clark
Russell Cope
Justin Cueto
Phil Cummings
Kishla Davis
Van Davis
Chris Davis
David Deleon
Mary Dennard
Maxine Dorriety
Todd Dudley
Cheryl Dudley
Quinton Etzel
Jeanie Flores
Josette Foy
Jered Fuller
Jennifer Gilmer
Justin Glazener
Alexandra Haines
Tom Hanks
Carole Hanks
Laurie Haushill
Don Hidy (posthumous)
Ryan Hindman
Tracy Hodge
Jerry Hodge
Rebecca Hunter
JJ Isbell
Dana Jefferson
Curlie Johnigan
Steve Johnigan
Shannon Juno
Carol Kuhlmann
Elaine Lark
Alice Lawrence
Olaya Long
Vincent Lopez
Amy Lopez
Jeff Mangum
Dan Massey
Debra Massey
Julie May
Frank McCalla
Barbara McGehee
Gregory McIntosh
Rebecca McKay
Nicholas Mesloh
Dylan Moore
Glenn Moore
Melissa Muegge
Gordon Neal
Cindy Neal
Kelly O’Beirne
Rachel Olivarez
Jay Piscacek
Eric Ramirez
Jordan Randolph
Linda Ray
Steve Reynolds
Paula Reynolds
Mindy Reynolds
Larissa Rupley
Rick Russell
David Scallan
Jared Scott
Deric Shaw
Roberta Shipp
Jan Smith
Wesley Smith
Janice Smith
Stephen Sullivan
Barbara Teague
Philip Thames
Randy Theilig
Henry Valle
Robin Valle
Diana Van Wagner
Laura Vielledent
Jeffrey Wall
Natalie Walters
Michelle Willie
Cristen Wilson
Charles Ross Wise
Lorraine Wright
Nancie Yarbro
Joe “Jody” Yarbro
Christopher Zink

Baylor Alumni may nominate prospective Baylor Alumni by Choice by completing the nomination form with a description of how the nominee reflects a commitment to the Baylor mission. The nomination form is available at Once approved, each new Baylor Alumni by Choice class is recognized at a special celebration where they receive their official Baylor Alumni by Choice decree.