Skills in Action

Faculty and student nurses participate in COVID-19 vaccination efforts

April 1, 2021
Skills in Action

Students from the Louise Herrington School of Nursing show their school pride after working a shift at the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District vaccination clinics at McLane Stadium.

More than 100 nursing students and faculty with Baylor University’s Louise Herrington School of Nursing (LHSON) volunteered to administer the COVID-19 vaccine at the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District vaccination clinic at McLane Stadium. Two LHSON faculty and 24 nursing students served at each weekly clinic. Additionally, LHSON assisted with vaccination clinics at Baylor Scott & White Health in Dallas and Plano, Parkland Hospital in Dallas and several other Dallas-Fort Worth-area hospitals.

“Baylor nurses carry strong values and beliefs for patient care. Being able to immerse myself in the Baylor culture in this way helps me build an even bigger heart for nursing.”

LHSON nursing students who participated in the vaccination clinics are graduating level-four senior students currently taking the Population Health Nursing clinical course, which focuses on meeting the health needs of culturally diverse and vulnerable populations. LHSON nursing student Everly Yifei Zhao helped administer the COVID-19 vaccine in Waco.

“This is a great opportunity to apply the nursing skills I have learned and serve our community,” Zhao said. “Baylor nurses carry strong values and beliefs for patient care. Being able to immerse myself in the Baylor culture in this way helps me build an even bigger heart for nursing. I hope that throughout this pandemic people will have learned the importance of teamwork and the ability to work toward one goal.”