2016-17 Meritorious Achievement Awards
Baylor University alumni and friends make significant contributions to society in many forms. The university's awards program acknowledges the distinctive mission of Baylor University and recognizes those who achieve success in a manner consistent with that mission. Following are the recipients for 2016/2017.
Tom Rosenbalm
Alumnus of the Year
Jeremy Courtney
Young Alumnus of the Year
Bob and Julie Harris Mendonsa
Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service
Melissa Rogers
Pro Texana Medal of Service
Takashi Kitaoka
Distinguished Achievement Award
Lisa Giocomo
Medal of Service for Contributions to the Professions: Research
Tim and Janice McCall
Medal of Service for Contributions to the Professions: Christian Ministry
Kim Lubel
Medal of Service for Business Leadership
Roger E. Kirk
W.R. White Meritorious Service Award
Steve and Penny Carlile
Baylor Legacy Award
Claude and Becky Lindsey
Baylor Legacy Award
Don and Jenny Riddle
Baylor Legacy Award
Carroll and Aline Webb
Baylor Legacy Award
Jane Meyer
Baylor Founders Medal