2015-16 Meritorious Achievement Awards
Baylor alumni around the world are the pride of their alma mater. They represent the commitment to excellence, service and faith that has distinguished Baylor University in American higher education for 170 years. Baylor's alumni awards, coordinated through the work of our Constituent Engagement Division, led by Vice President Tommye Lou Davis, begin with a solicitation of recommendations from across Baylor Nation and result in the recognition of alumni who achieve success in a manner consistent with the Baylor mission. Following are the recipients for 2015-16. Read more about these outstanding honorees at baylor.edu/alumni/awards and make plans to make a nomination for next year's awards.
Chip & Joanna Gaines
Alumni of the Year
Victor Boutros
Young Alumnus of the Year
Billy & Dawn Ray
Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service
Sue Mayborn
Pro Texana Medal of Service
Michael Attas III
Medal of Service for Contributions to the Professions: Healthcare & Medicine
Harry "Fred" Tibbals III
Medal of Service for Contributions to the Professions: Research
Grant & Donell Teaff
Legendary Mentors Award
David & Shirley Lake
Baylor Legacy Award
George & Martha Chandler
Baylor Legacy Award
Winston Wolfe
Baylor Legacy Award
Matt & Dot Miller
Baylor Legacy Award
Louise Herrington Ornelas
Baylor Founders Medal