Byword - Spring 2011
Did you know that Baylor Magazine is delivered four times a year to over 125,000 Baylor alumni and friends from across all 50 states and over 100 foreign countries? Our mission has always been to engage alumni and friends in the advancement of the university by sharing the aspirations, needs and accomplishments of Baylor -- in other words, to keep you up-to-date on (and feeling connected to) your beloved BU.
That connection is important to Baylor graduates. A recent national survey of BU alumni found that 84 percent of you say you feel a special bond or connection to Baylor. The numbers also show that we play a big part in keeping that connection strong, as 89 percent of alumni said they receive most of their information about the university from Baylor Magazine.
In addition, more that half of our readers responded that they keep each issue of the magazine around for a month or more, perhaps sharing with family and friends all the great things going on at Baylor. To help you keep us around a bit longer, you might notice a few slight modifications beginning with this issue, like new paper and a different binding that should help each copy last a little longer and look a little nicer. Feel free to share yours (after you read it cover to cover, of course). And if you need an extra copy, just give us a call.
However, we know that communication isn't just a one-way street. In the last issue, we let you know that the university has begun the process of envisioning what might be next for Baylor as we near the conclusion of the university's current 10-year vision, Baylor 2012. Now it's your turn to share your thoughts on Baylor's future with the university's administrators (click here for details on how to give your input).
President Ken Starr has tasked a Baylor alumna, Provost Elizabeth Davis, BBA '84, with guiding this strategic planning process. Davis is also featured in this issue of the magazine as one of five women currently serving on Starr's 11-member Executive Council. These women (along with School of Social Work Dean Diana Garland) provide their unique "Perspectives on Leadership".
Legendary Baylor leader Grant Teaff lends his voice to this issue as well, addressing a topic near and dear to him: students. Teaff and his wife, Donell, serve on the steering committee for The President's Scholarship Initiative. During a breakfast gathering at the Texas Bowl, the Bears' longtime football coach gave a stirring recollection of the ways he has personally seen the Baylor family come together to address the needs of students. The President's Scholarship Initiative seeks to address one such urgent need, student scholarships, and we hope Teaff's words will serve to inspire you to consider how you, too, might play a part.
Randy Morrison
Editor in Chief, Baylor Magazine