Three Principles For Effective Christian Giving
The scriptures talk a lot about giving, always encouraging us to live generous lives. But we are still left with the question of how to do that most effectively. Here are a few thoughts from David Wills:
- Give in response to what God has given you. God owns it all, and we are His money managers. We can give to others because God first gave to us, and our giving is an act of worship to Him.
- Give Simply. We live in a complicated world in which anything we can do to simply our lives can be a blessing to us and to others. To simplify your giving, you can use a donor-advised Giving Fund through the National Christian Foundation. Such a fund:
- Is less complicated than a private foundation and has greater tax benefits.
- Lets you give this year to maximize charitable deductions but distribute the funds in future years, anonymously if you prefer, to the organizations you wish to support.
- Facilitates gifts of appreciated assets, rather than cash, so you avoid capital gains taxes and still get a full deduction.
- Give Joyfully. An NCF Giving Fund is a tool for giving joyfully. It lets you:
- Give during your lifetime -- even as part of an estate plan.
- Include your children -- by developing your own family stewardship philosophy.
- Participate in the journey of generosity, as you learn new and creative ways to give thanks to God for all that He has done for you.
We encourage you to get engaged in your giving, to pray for God's clear guidance on your next steps, and ultimately, to be prepared to share the testimony of all that God has done and is doing in your life.