Clinical Psychology Program Moves Downtown
Baylor's nationally renowned clinical psychology program, including five faculty members, their clinical research labs and the Baylor Psychology Clinic that serves the local community, relocated in January to the eighth and ninth floors of the Wells Fargo Tower on Washington Avenue in downtown Waco, with plans underway to add another lab later on the tower's fifth floor.
Previously, the program was housed in six locations, ranging from space in Ivy Square near campus to offices and classrooms in the Baylor Sciences Building. While clinical psychology faculty will continue to teach and have offices in the sciences building, they now have a single location in downtown Waco to provide clinical services to the community and conduct pioneering research in their various fields, while establishing a university presence in the city center and bringing together under one roof some of the world's leading scholar-practitioners in the field of clinical psychology.
"This is really an integrated program where people come into the clinic for services, while we, in turn, train clinicians in that function," said Dr. Jim Diaz-Granados, associate professor and chair of the department of psychology and neuroscience at Baylor. "All of our clinical doctoral students are very closely supervised by licensed psychologists, and that's really the marriage of the community service, the clinical services and the academic part of our program. It's a training ground, and our local community gets excellent clinical services that are being supervised by leaders in the field. That's been the model for this program for decades."