
May 27, 2008

A Harvest of Miracles: True Stories that Challenge, Encourage, and Inspire
Dr. Michael D. Thomas, director of the division of Spanish and Portuguese, authored this devotional book from stories he's compiled from years serving in the pastorate and the mission field. 
Halcyon Press, 2007--133 pages

Monophonic Tropes and Conductus of W1: The Tenth Fascicle
Thanks to a research leave and a University Research Committee (URC) grant, Dr. Jann Cosart has completed the performing edition of this unique medieval manuscript, resulting in the scholarly monograph. The scholarly monograph offers a critical discussion of both the music and texts, translations of the poetry, and a study of rhythm and performance practice for this rare collection of sacred liturgical chants.
A-R Editions, Inc., 2007--38 pages

Shakespeare's "As You Like It": Late Elizabethan Culture and Literary Representation
Dr. Maurice A. Hunt, research professor of English, offers valuable insight into the literary, social and historical contexts of Shakespeare's witty yet layered comedy.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2008--224 pages


Fundamental Pretrial Advocacy: A Strategic Guide to Effective Litigation
James M. Underwood, associate professor of law, co-authored this course book to help students create and foster pre-trial advocacy skills that are a critical component of supporting and representing a client.
Thomson West Publishing, 2007--580 pages


R.S. Thomas: Poetry and Theology
Dr. William V. Davis, professor of English and Writer-in-Residence, celebrates the work of Welsh poet R.S. Thomas (1913-2000) and illuminates the theological implications of this famous 20th-century poet-priest's pilgrimage. By providing detailed readings of individual poems, Davis explores the depth and imagination of Thomas' profound theological vision.
Baylor University Press, 2007--235 pages

How to Be Evangelical Without Being Conservative
Dr. Roger E. Olson, professor of theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary, sets forth
evidence that the link between evangelicalism and conservatism has not always been as strong as it is today in the popular mind. Olson shows how contemporary evangelicals--who want to remain evangelical--can do so without identifying with conservatism in every way.
Zondervan, 2008--202 pages

Other recent titles by Olson include: The Pocket History of Evangelical Theology, Questions to All Your Answers: The Journey from Folk Religion to Examined Faith, and Reformed and Always Reforming: the Postconservative Approach to Evangelical Theology.

Radiant Bride
Emily Mills, BA '98, worship leader, speaker and mother of two, explores God's timeless plan for the modern bride preparing to walk the aisle. Topics include symbolism of the wedding customs, how to calm every woman's deepest fears, and maintaining a Christ-centered perspective of marriage.
Pleasant Word, 2007--116 pages