American Evangelicals: A Contemporary History of a Mainstream Religious Movement
Professor of history and church-state studies and graduate program director Dr. Barry G. Hankins, BA '78, MA '83, puts the Evangelical movement in historical perspective, taking on key topics such as the standing of science, the authority of scripture, and gender and racial equality. Hankins analyzes what is most essential for us to understand today about this potent movement.
Rowman & Littlefield, 2008--224 pages
Case Studies in Sport Law
Dr. Andrew T. Pittman, BS '68, professor of health, human performance and recreation, and his co-authors provide an inside view of some of the most significant cases in sport law history--while dispensing with the legal jargon. The book is an ideal supplement for non-law students who want to understand the legal issues without having to wade through the legalese or needing a law school background to understand the cases.
Human Kinetics Publishers, 2008--352 pages
Can These Bones Live?: A Catholic Baptist Engagement with Ecclesiology, Hermeneutics, and Social Theory
Dr. Barry Harvey, professor of theology in the Honors College, sees in the valley of dry bones of Ezekiel 37 a metaphor for the state of the church today: fragmented and scattered--dismembered--in its life and witness. By recovering and reinvigorating core ecclesial practices, Harvey has hope that the church can be re-membered into the earthly-historical form of the crucified and risen Christ that it is intended to be.
Baker Academic, 2008--304 pages
Statistics: An Introduction
Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Statistics and Master Teacher Dr. Roger E. Kirk has released a completely updated fifth edition to provide a sound introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics and to help students read and understand statistical presentations in their field. Kirk supplies guidelines to help students decide when to use various procedures, and how to understand the logic of the procedures.
Thompson Wadsworth, 2008--672 pages
Witness to the Truth: Lessons Learned by a Veteran Journalist Through Four Decades of Watching the Church
Louis Moore, BA '68, has had one of the most varied and influential careers of any religion journalist today. His new book, designed to help readers better understand their own local church bodies and their roles in them, identifies 26 core "truths" that apply to a variety of religious groups regardless of their persuasion.
Hannibal Books, 2008--351 pages