Leaving A Legacy
A $4 million gift from the estate of Allene Hubler will establish an endowed chair, an endowed professorship and an endowed scholarship in the Ministry Guidance program within Baylor's Department of Religion.
Hubler was recognized for her philanthropy to the university in 1991 as a member of the Medallion Fellowship with the James Huckins, Pat Neff and Presidents medallions. She passed away on May 16, 2007, at the age of 98.
The Ministry Guidance program seeks to assist undergraduate students who feel called to vocational Christian ministry. Hubler's gift establishes The Raymond O. Hubler Chair of Ministry Guidance, The J. David Slover Professorship of Ministry Guidance and The Raymond O. and Allene Breech Hubler Endowed Scholarship Fund, which will benefit ministry guidance students.
In addition, an approximately $1.2 million gift from the estate of John Reagan Harris will establish the John Reagan Harris Endowed Scholarship Fund, as well as the John Reagan Harris Endowed Music Ministry Excellence Fund within the Baylor School of Music's Center for Christian Music Studies.
"This gift to the Center for Christian Music Studies will allow Mr. Harris' love for the music of the church to live on, and it will impact hundreds of church musicians in the future," said Randall Bradley, professor of church music and director for the Center for Christian Music Studies.
Upon receiving his bachelor of arts degree in business, English and piano from Baylor in 1950, Harris worked several years in the family business, then went back to school to earn his master of education degree. Harris then taught at Center High School in East Texas before returning to the business world.
Harris' scholarship has been designated with preference to graduates of his alma mater and one-time employer, Center High School, or from other high schools in Shelby County, Texas.