Refugee And Immigrant Health: A Handbook For Health Professionals
Refugee and Immigrant Health: A Handbook for Health Professionals
Cambridge University Press, 2004 - 380 pp.
Charles Kemp, senior lecturer in the Louise Herrington School of Nursing, and Lance A. Rasbridge, president of Refugee Services of North Texas and coordinator of the Refugee Outreach program at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, share their combined 45 years of experience treating refugees and immigrants. The book examines religious traditions, health beliefs and practices, pregnancy and end-of-life issues in other cultures and gives a broad overview of more than 30 different cultures around the world.
"The manual is really all about understanding and practical application: What do you do when you walk into an exam room and there's somebody from Iran or Liberia in there?" says Kemp, who has been working in health care since 1981.
Kemp says the book also fits with Baylor's mission to prepare students for worldwide leadership and service. "It's a very small world we live in now. If you're going to lead worldwide, you need to understand and appreciate the world and the people who live in it."