Letters From Our Readers

January 14, 2005


Although I have not seen Ms. Smith [Elizabeth Smith Githens] since the mid-'50s, I immediately recognized her picture (Insights, page 40). Thank you, Elizabeth Vardaman, for your article. My thoughts were flooded with memories of the time I was fortunate enough to be one of Ms. Smith's students. The lasting impact she made on me was profound. Ms. Smith was my "Hallmark ad professor" -- like the greeting-card commercial featuring the professor and former student. Of all teachers I had at Baylor, Ms. Smith is the one I remember. She made the classroom come alive when she read to us. What a gift she shared and gave her students. Again, like the greeting-card ad, I became a teacher (education major/literature minor). Belatedly, thank you, Ms. Smith, from a very small Texas town '53 high school graduate who needed (and received) your knowledge, guidance, time and attention.
Edith Tindall Towns, '56
Temple, Texas

I wanted to provide a quick comment based on reading the Baylor Magazine over the past year or so. The satisfaction I get in seeing letters and articles about Dr. Helen Ligon is truly a wonderful representation of what kind of professor she was and her lasting impact on so many people. Thank you for providing them in print; it really celebrates her time at Baylor to those who were fortunate enough to be in her class, eat some jellybeans in her office, or just simply get to chat with her as she walked through the halls.
In hearing all the stuff about Vision 2012, Sloan, basketball problems and other Baylor news over the past few years, if everyone at the institution focused on providing an example that Dr. Ligon did, Baylor would sure be one heck of a place. I sure hope Baylor doesn't soon forget Dr. Ligon.
Wade Rugenstein
Plano, Texas

I applaud the November Baylor Magazine for including the article written by Chanelle Johnson titled "Hearing voices for the very first time" (page 34).'Though my journey into the deaf world didn't start until I was 28 years old, I can surely relate to Chanelle's story.'At the age of 42, I had a cochlear implant in my left ear, after gradually losing my hearing in both ears over a course of time.'At the time of my implant, I still had some hearing in my right ear with the help of a hearing aid. Three months after having my implant activated, I lost all the remaining hearing in my right ear. If it were not for my implant, I would live in a world of complete silence.
'Although cochlear implants have been performed for many years and technology for them have advanced at a rapid pace, public awareness has lagged behind.'When I tell people I have a cochlear implant, I often get many blank stares.'Chanelle's article explained the procedure well and hopefully will raise public awareness among many.
'I also enjoyed the article by Allison Holden, "More than words" (page 30).' As an educator of young children, I understand the importance of early intervention and early literacy. Keep up the good work!
Terry Burton Kahn, BS '82
Houston, Texas
I would love to hear from any cochlear implant users. tkahn@stmes.org

Very inspirational article about the cochlear implant. My daughter just got a cochlear implant in June. She is 4 years old and was profoundly hearing impaired since birth. I am amazed at the difference in her already and marvel at the things she can now hear that I always took for granted, like leaves rustling. Thanks for the great article!
Mike Green, BBA '94
San Antonio, Texas

Baylor's publications have risen'to a'greater appeal over the last few years; for decades heretofore, each issue seemed static and predictable.'I congratulate you for the broader embrace embodied'in the Baylor Magazine.'In it,'I learn of a Baylor University far removed from the one from which I graduated in 1955.
Reviewing the current November 2004 issue, the graduate of many decades past is presented virtually with a mirage of time and place, and in the recollections of earlier years, a certain dullness both in university life and in publications that reported the happenings of our era.'The'very cover by freelance illustrator Michael Hogue represents a classic art form that supports all the aforegoing impressions.
I congratulate you and your staff for such exemplary reporting!
John B. Victery, BA '55
Houston, Texas



The Baylor-Texas A&M football game on October 30 was an exciting game between two historic rivals.'It was a pre-Halloween treat to those who listened on the radio and to those who stood in amazement after the game.'My wife, Mary Ann (Mary Ann Nesuda, BSHE '65) and I have attended Baylor football games for years and are always impressed with valiant efforts on both sides of the field. This time, Baylor won and the game may be remembered as another miracle on the Brazos. The fourth quarter of the game resembled a movie scene with the moon rising over the stadium, the crowd noise and the Bad News Bears winning in overtime. The timing for this win was perfect on a night that paid tribute to great Baylor athletes of the past, including Kyle Woods, Richard Tinsley, Lynell Pyron Pilgrim and Santana Dotson, and to Baylor stalwarts Clyde Hart, Dave Campbell and Frank Fallon.'We could almost hear Frank Fallon calling the final minutes of the game.
William Lee White,' BBA '63, JD '65
Fort Worth, Texas