A NoZe Primer

April 6, 2003

Founded in 1926, it is the oldest men's social organization on campus
Official colors: baby pink and blue
Recognized greeting: Keokomuckimuck, Keokomuckimuck, Keokomuckimuck
Word used to express approval: Satchel
Word used to express disapproval: Gobble
Annual Pink Tea: a formal dinner that begins with dessert and ends with salad, held annually since May 17, 1929
One Million Dollar Endowment: Brothers appear at annual fall Pigskin Revue to make their yearly installment of $1 toward the endowment total
Ornery Memberships: notable recipients include Bob Hope, Bro. Ski Nose; the Rev. Billy Graham, Bro. Cracker Nose; and Dr. Robert B. Sloan Jr., Bro. Liniment NoZe
First Rope: printed in 1954 with the motto "Ye Shall Know Them by Their Noses"

Current Brothers encourage Exiles to contact them at PO Box 612, Elm Mott, Texas, 76640 or through their web site at www.thenoze.org.