Career Tools Service Now Available

June 4, 2003

In March, Baylor's Alumni Services launched Career Tools, a free, Internet-based service that contains a comprehensive collection of job search and career management resources available to alumni.
"One of the requests we heard from alumni most often as we toured the country last year in town hall meetings was for ongoing career networking and services," said Dr. Randy Lofgren, associate vice president for Alumni Services. "In order to help our graduates continue their success, Baylor can and should provide a venue by which alumni can connect and network as they change or advance in their professions."
Career Tools was developed in conjunction with Lee Hecht Harrison, a corporate career services and outplacement firm. Services provided on the site include job listings, résumé and cover letter examples, networking tips and an online community, more than 6,500 job boards indexed by industry and function, negotiation tools, interviewing assistance and downloads to augment job searches.
One feature of Career Tools is a Job Search Workshop, a two-day event available regularly in more than 175 cities nationwide. These events include help in developing marketing tools and a marketing plan, networking and interviewing skills. Alumni receive a discounted price.
Alumni may access and sign up for the Career Tools service at