Welcome to Baylor Magazine

June 6, 2002

It is my pleasure as president of Baylor University to introduce to you a new venture that is designed to foster better communication with individuals for whom Baylor has special meaning. Baylor Magazine has been more than a year in the making, and with this inaugural issue we undertake an endeavor that will seek to inform, inspire, even challenge you.
Why a new magazine, and why now? Those are good questions. The vast majority of Baylor alumni receive no consistent, timely communication from the University. Those who are members of the Baylor Alumni Association - fewer than 25 percent of our graduates - receive the Baylor Line on a quarterly basis. The rest of our alumni receive one issue annually, the Homecoming edition. We believe there is too much happening at Baylor to neglect this important audience.
We are at a particularly opportune and exciting juncture in the 157-year history of Baylor. With the recent launch of Baylor 2012 - the University's 10-year Vision - many substantial changes will be affecting your alma mater. We want you to share our journey as we seek to move Baylor into the ranks of America's top universities while reaffirming and strengthening our distinctive Christian mission.
We have designed Baylor Magazine to be informative and practical, delivering articles that address meaningful lifestyle issues. The University has a vast resource base of faculty and staff with expertise in areas that relate to your daily life. The magazine will share these resources with you in a way that is engaging and useful.
We know you are busy. But we hope you will find that the time you invest in reading Baylor Magazine will be of value. We welcome your feedback. Drop us an e-mail at letters@baylormag.com.

Robert B. Sloan Jr.