Bear Hunters

November 20, 2002

Baylor students genuinely pledge support to their alma mater, but with graduation comes a new reality -- paying their own way. Suddenly, expenses such as health insurance and educational loans override any thought of making monetary contributions to their University. 
Alumni still can give back to Baylor, though, through good "word of mouth." Bear Hunters, a program offered by the Office of Admission Services, promotes Baylor through its most faithful representatives -- its alumni. The fourfold program enlists alumni, parents and friends of the University to recruit prospective students across the nation: 
• Refer a Bear allows participants to add high school students to the Baylor mailing list. 
• Spot a Bear places volunteers at college fairs in their area. 
• Serve a Bear goes behind the scenes delivering information packets to high school counselors and youth pastors. 
• Host a Bear encourages members to interact with prospective students and families at Baylor recruitment events.
At the 1997 launch of Bear Hunters, Dr. Charles S. Madden, vice president for University relations, said that while financial gifts are important, building strong alumni relations is a lifelong covenant: "If someone gives us money, that is great, but if someone gives us a student, they have given us a friend for life."
Networking with other Baylor representatives is another important role for Bear Hunters. Each year at Homecoming, they and their families are invited to a tailgate party to share stories with other volunteers.
"Baylor alumni love to be connected to the University," says Kevin Kirk, director of Bear Hunters and associate director of admission services. "Our volunteers were thrilled when we designed a car sticker because it identified them as an integral part of Baylor." 
Currently, 1,200 households nationwide participate in the program, with many couples serving together, Kirk says. Prospective students also have international contacts, including about 20 alumni living overseas.
For more information about Bear Hunters, e-mail or call 1-800-BAYLOR-U, option 1-1.