A Top University for Invention and Innovation

September 5, 2024

Research universities are a key driver of innovative new technologies and other inventions that address critical global challenges. For the third consecutive year, Baylor has earned its place among the nation’s best.

Baylor was ranked No. 80 on the Top 100 U.S. Universities Granted Utility Patents list in 2023. That list, published by the National Academy of Inventors, highlights institutions at the forefront of innovation. The University’s growth in the area of inventions with commercial potential was evident when Baylor first made the list in 2022 and continued each of the last two years.

Inventions created by Baylor faculty in recent years span aerospace, digital communications, health and more, with researchers from a variety of departments collaborating to innovate. The Office of Innovation and Economic Development, housed within Baylor’s Office of the Vice Provost for Research, manages all intellectual property generated at the University with the goal of positively impacting society.

“Baylor’s inclusion in these rankings is a testament to the alignment and momentum throughout the University, from faculty to our Innovation and Economic Development team and Office of General Counsel,” Kevin Chambliss, Ph.D., vice provost for research, said. “Baylor researchers have contributed to patents that have led to the formation of new companies, and I’m excited to see where their efforts lead in the future.”

In 2023, Baylor was among only seven Texas institutions listed in the report.