New Regent Leadership, Members Announced
Each year in May, the Baylor Board of Regents selects new leadership for the coming year, welcomes new regents as participants in the University’s governance, and expresses gratitude to devoted members who have completed their terms of service to the University and are leaving the Board.
Mark Rountree, BBA ’86, MTA ’87, of Dallas, was elected as the 2020-21 Board Chair. His term as Board Chair began June 1. Rountree is a partner with Ernst & Young, LLP (EY). His career with EY spans more than 30 years. He currently serves as National Director of EY’s Exempt Organization Tax Services practice and EY’s Healthcare Tax Practice leader for the Americas. In addition to his leadership responsibilities, Rountree serves as the lead tax partner for several high-profile for-profit and tax-exempt hospitals, health systems and other charitable organizations. He specializes in the areas of corporate tax planning and structuring, IRS audit defense, and governance and compliance matters for tax-exempt organizations.
Joining Rountree in leadership are Larry P. Heard, BBA ’80, of Houston, vice chair; Melissa Purdy Mines, BA ’90, of Austin, vice chair; and Dennis R. Wiles, PhD, of Arlington, vice chair.
Four new regents were selected to serve three-year terms with full voting privileges:
- Kristina “Krissy” Doerner Guidi, BA ’00, of McLean, Virginia — attorney, Securities and Exchange Commission, elected by Baylor alumni;
- Michael A. Evans Sr., BA, MDiv, DMin ’09, of Mansfield, Texas — pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, appointed by the Baptist General Convention of Texas and confirmed by the Board;
- Paula R. Hurd, BBA, of Atherton, California — community volunteer and philanthropist, elected by the Board;
- Todd Patterson, BS ’90, JD, of Richmond, Texas — partner, Patterson & Sheridan LLP, elected by the Board.
Additionally, the Board welcomed Sher Isada, a junior University Scholar from Euless, Texas, to serve her first year as a student regent; Sara L. Dolan, PhD, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience and graduate program director of the PsyD program, representing the Baylor faculty; and Faith Beaty, BS, MBA, of Highland Village, Texas, director of marketing and communications for DNV GL Business Assurance Americas, representing the Baylor Bear Foundation, the primary fundraising organization for Baylor Athletics.
“I look forward to working with Mark Rountree as Board Chair during the upcoming year as we thoughtfully and strategically face the significant challenges before Baylor and all of higher education due to the uncertainty from COVID-19,” President Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D., said. “I am deeply grateful to our dedicated volunteer Board of Regents who have walked alongside us, sharing their experience and expertise while they manage this pandemic from their leadership roles in business, education, healthcare, law and churches.”
A complete list of the members of Baylor’s Board of Regents can be found at